
Employee Engagement

Optimize Employee Experience with Our Specialized Engagement Survey Tools and Solutions for Measurable Improvement.

Employee Engagement Surveys Are Vital in Understanding the Employee Experience

Elevate your organization’s Employee Experience with strategic insights. Harness the wisdom of management guru Peter Drucker’s principle: ‘We improve what we measure.‘ Our purpose-built Employee Engagement Surveys provide invaluable data on perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs. Experience the evolution from traditional surveys to comprehensive Employee Experience assessments, ensuring continual improvement and success.

Run an annual organization-wide survey for key insights using DecisionWise. From integrated HR platforms to specialized employee engagement tools, we deliver top-tier data gathering and analytics solutions. Our focus is on providing HR leaders with unparalleled people data, steering away from one-size-fits-all manager empowerment platforms. Trust DecisionWise to empower your leaders with the information they need for sound decision-making in employee engagement strategies.

Do it Right With Valid Survey Questions

Whether you use our software tools or engage a project manager to run things for you, our employee engagement surveys have been built using a foundation of 44 statistically valid questions that measure strategic concepts and themes. Gain insight into the following areas:

  • Engagement
  • Intent-to-Stay, Org. Commitment, and Confidence in the Future
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  • Purpose, Path, & Place
  • Organizational Communication & Transparency
  • Supervisor Effectiveness and Supervisor Relationship
  • Team Collaboration and Connection
  • Enablement, Autonomy, Resources, and Stress
  • Growth, Advancement, Vision & Goals
  • Meaning, Care, & Belonging
  • Employee Voice
Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Find the “Story” in Your Data

Unleash the power of Spectiv by DecisionWise to capture and clarify the voice of your employees. Spectiv by DecisionWise empowers you to delve into data effortlessly, using dynamic filters to analyze responses across demographics. It reveals crucial insights for leaders to drive change and make informed decisions. Benefit from pre-built report templates, visualizations, and action-planning opportunities – no need for extensive configurations. Spectiv by DecisionWise delivers prescriptive manager reports, ensuring actionable insights for effective decision-making in employee engagement strategies.

screen shot of our data exploration tool showing bar charts

Prescriptive Recommendations Help Kickstart the Process

Prioritize employee engagement with our intuitive tools for managers amidst the daily team whirlwind. Our software empowers managers with detailed reports, instructions, and action-planning guidance, including prescriptive recommendations. Curated content from a resource library aids managers in strategic thinking, learning, and implementing engagement strategies. Our recommendations, backed by DecisionWise best practices, feature influential articles, TED Talks, podcasts, videos, and more for effective engagement improvement.

When You Need Us, We’re Here to Help

Daily, our consultants immerse in data, collaborating with HR and executive teams to analyze employee engagement survey results, debrief leaders, and guide action-planning. Our work offers a unique industry perspective, identifying crucial leverage points for success. Whether new to people analytics or a seasoned data expert, rely on our specialists for delivering valuable, actionable data to leaders across your organization.

  • Customized Slide Decks
  • Executive Team Debriefs
  • Leader Debriefs and Focus Groups
  • Action Planning Activities
  • Engagement Training
  • Surveys available in multiple languages
DecisionWise Consultants

We Got This!

Explore cost-effective solutions with our project manager services for employee engagement surveys. With rates lower than software licenses, simply share your employee file and select survey questions. Your dedicated project manager handles the rest, executing surveys in various formats: online, email, text, kiosk, or paper. Trust us to prioritize employee engagement surveys, enabling you to focus on your core priorities.